Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Turning 22 !!

        It took time to realize it was December.. Firstly it was in June that I started working right out of college then July, August and straight to December. OMG !  this is fast. Life here at bangalore inspires me a lot. There are a few people who make me feel special and want me to smile always. For me they are the best and today was my Birthday , Am turning 22. I suddenly felt lonely going to bed last night ( i.e at 11 pm on Dec 6), it made me cry as I lay still on my bed pretending to sleep. I did cry and wondered why ?? was it that it was my first bday away from home.. or did I miss all the pampering and princess like treatment am given at home .. I din't know but to mom ,dad and myself - Must be Tough !!... Thanks to Priyanka & Prathima  for the wonderful midnight surprise with the cake, card, chocolate  and flower...I Luv U both   Thanks to those wonderful souls who remembered to call up at midnight or during the l8r part of the day to wish ... 

         You know what I love my Company , thanx to all the people I work with they did make my day special .. At dusk, the crunchy mood started and the celebrations were just around the corner with a bunch of colleagues .. nah that would be wrong.. let me put it this way the celebrations with a bunch of besties who joined along with me as freshers in my company. They came all the way to see & wish me and to host a wonderful bday party !! All the mysterious planning and attempts to make me wait without arousing the doubt... lol I owe a lot to you guys !! Amidst these sweet moments I had a newly found friend ( also my Kannada teacher now ) at office who calls me up to wish and ends up playing a brilliant prank on me.. whoa man I almost fell for it !! What next ?? a great party followed by a lot of  cake facial for me .. lovely moments captured for me to cherish and let my family know that there were some wonderful ppl who made my day in their absence. Thanks to all my friends out there.. I realize we are nothing without them , they make us alive and I must mention this they are the ones who create awesome memories ..
Thanku for everything 

cake courtesy : June 6 batch !