Tuesday, June 07, 2011

First day on the job

The post comes one day late , well it did take time for all those things that happened to sink into me ... Lemme start, Yesterday was my first day at work... Waking up early and deciding what to wear on the first day was an easy task !! Rang up mom whose at home in chennai to seek her blessings. Dad had accompanied me to Bangalore where my career was gonna kick start. 9.00 I moved to have my breakfast and caught up with few of my colleagues who were gonna join with me. My friends, noble souls sent me wishes for a happy beginning. 9.15 I step into MY OFFICE . Dad came along just to check out if everything was gonna be okay , as he had done this earlier viz. my first day at school and college ;-) . A warm welcome at the gates of my new office. We were asked to be seated at the auditorium. It was nice to smile back at equally excited faces that walked in and hifi's with the familiar ones there. The official session began, we were walked through every phase of induction and plenty of papers to sign to show that we understood all of them !!

will complete soon......... an engineer doesn't get quality time for creative writing wen they are trainee's ;-)


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